The provinces of Iğdır, Kars, Ağrı and Ardahan are on the intercontinental bird migration routes. The wetlands in the region provide nutrition, rest and protection opportunities for many bird species during their migration journeys, while they are also breeding grounds for some species.
Stork Ringing Project
research and education center
The second project of ringing Iğdır’s storks in the nest will be carried out in 2022 with the cooperation between KuzeyDoğa Association, Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality and Iğdır University Bird Science Application and Research Center and Aras Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. Within the scope of the project, a total of 150 stork chicks were ringed and 5 storks were monitored by attaching satellite transmitters.

The nests were identified through a nest search in the field, which lasted approximately 120 hours, and the stork chicks in the nests that were large enough to be ringed were determined. With the help of the crane, the expert ringer and veterinarian were able to reach the nest and the stork chicks were reached for ringing. The aim of this study was to determine the number of storks breeding in the Iğdır region, their habitats, nest success, offspring success, migration routes and to prevent their deaths due to electric shock.
The fact that storks in the region prefer electric poles as nesting places puts them at risk of death due to electric shock. To prevent this situation, the electrical wires around the nest were covered with insulation material by Aras electricity distribution company during the work.